Musha Musha 是位美食專家,專門造訪不起眼的小店,挖掘街頭美食。總是自備餐具,因為「只要遇見美食,就能安心的隨時隨地享用囉~」如章魚般靈活的細長手,讓 Musha Musha 有一套自創的花式吃法,無論愜意地看食譜、雜誌、同時料理、小酌,都難不倒他呦~!
而 Musha Musha 的真實身份其實是,出生木木森林王國的樹精靈,由於嚮往人類世界的美食,因此經常混進城鎮中,佯裝人類,必要時還會變回街道的大樹,只為了偷偷聽人們都在討論又有什麼新餐廳厲害呢!
Musha-Musha is a gourmet who likes visiting humble shops and discovering street food. He always carries his own cutlery for any chance of having yummy food. With slender hands as flexible as an octopus, Musha-Musha has his own unique way of eating. No matter reading magazine and recipe, cooking, and drinking, he can do them all at the same time while eating.
Musha-Musha is a tree elf who was born in a kingdom of Mumu Forest. Since he loves human cuisine, he often sneaks into towns and pretends to be human for getting new information of nice food. When necessary, it will turn back into a big tree on the street, just to secretly listen to people discussing which new restaurants are great!